
Dubai III timelapse by Richard Bentley

This Dubai timelapse represents over 20,000 still images taken over 3 weeks at night during May 2012. I wanted to bring things full circle with this 3rd in my 'trilogy' of Dubai.

The music was composed especially for this timelapse by Athar Saeed. Please do him the honour of listening with the sound up on some really good speakers! the music really is half of the story here...

I also owe a great debt of gratitude to Sebastian Opitz, an amazing photographer based in Dubai. He was generous with his time and local knowledge and was able to get me to some really great locations. See his work at:

I set myself a challenge with this new timelapse (well, a few actually):

-Build a pc from the ground up to edit it on
-Learn some new software
-Follow a completely RAW workflow
-Upgrade my camera from 7D to 5D mkII

Equipment list:
-Canon 5DmkII
-24mm 1.4LII
-14mm 2.8LII
-Several litres of water walking the streets every night!

-Adobe Lightroom
-Adobe After Effects
-Avid Symphony
-Adobe Media Encoder

Many thanks for watching,

PS. Content is copyright Richard Bentley (this means no re-uploading to youtube etc please).

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  17-07-2012   Опубликовал: catsmob,   Просмотров: 10847  


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