

There wasn't much fuss when i suggested we should go to Venice, so we did. I've been looking forward to it for a long time and I have no regrets at all. My car stopped working the night before we had to leave early in the morning but we got there eventually. We left the car on the side of the road and went further with some decks cruising down the rainy streets of Kortrijk. We had such an amazing time.
I made this short video to share only a bit what i've gone trough these 2 days. I hope it gives you at much joy as it gives me whilst watching.

These are the days we live for.

This video has been shot mostly with a Canon 60D and a F1.8 50mm Lens.
I've also used my Samyang f3.5 8mm Fisheye lens for some shots.

Bon Iver - Baby's
Album : Blood Banks
Video by Xavier Van D'Huynslager
Additional filming has been done by Otke Verhelst

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  2-03-2012   Опубликовал: catsmob,   Просмотров: 5014  


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